Sunday, November 11, 2018

How to Plan the Perfect Breakfast


Have no doubt about it- breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Eating a delicious and nutritious breakfast is an effective way to manage food cravings throughout the day and provide your body an instant increase of nutrition at a peak time when it needs to be refueled.

Breakfast is a great chance to fuel your body with lean proteins, a lot of dietary fiber and a high content of antioxidants. Let's have a quick look at planning the right breakfast so that you can have a great result while following a healthy diet plan.

The Details

• Examine your calorie consumption. Breakfast must be the source of your 25-30% daily calorie needs. See to it that you are eating adequate quality protein at this morning meal, whether from lean meat, fresh eggs, beans or even protein powder.

• Calculate the prep time. Estimate the time you have in the morning to prepare your breakfast. If you are always in a hurry in the morning, choose a breakfast option that takes less time to prepare.

• What will be your energy source for your daily activities? An extra dose of carbs in the morning for energy along with your proteins will give you a jump start on the day. Vegetables and fruits are a good source since you will use them up during your day at the office.

• Keep your personal favorite taste in mind. The common mistake that many dieters make is forcing themselves to eat unpleasant foods. Following a healthy diet plan doesn't mean that you have to eat dull food. Of course, you need to take in enough calories so you can get through the day. You can't achieve that it by eating an unappetizing meal.

• Consider how various foods affect you. If a carb-dense breakfast makes you feel sleepy at mid-day, then switch to a lower carb breakfast.

• You must be satisfied with your food. If it is going to be a long time before you eat lunch, add enough fiber to your breakfast to boost total digestion time.

• Evaluate your body weight goals. If you need to drop down calories during breakfast, switching to an egg white and vegetable omelet is a smarter alternative than a carb-filled bowl of cereal.

The Bottom Line

Having a healthy breakfast is essential as it affects your daily performance as you carry out your daily activities. It may require time and planning to have the right breakfast but your effort will worth it once you achieve your desired body weight.
There are lots of healthy food choices. You can eat any foods according to your taste as long as it's beneficial to your health. You can look to international breakfasts for different ideas on how to make your morning meal enticing. Following a diet plan doesn't mean having a dull meal at all. What matters is how much nutrients you can get from those foods and how beneficial they are to your health.

How to Overcome the Biggest Obstacle in Weight Loss

The mind is such a powerful tool. Most people often choose fatty and sugary foods over healthy options as they activate sensors in the brain which release pleasure (dopamine and endorphins). By doing this, it only makes the person want more and more as those foods can be hyper-rewarding.

In order to lose weight, having a good diet is key and much more important than having a good exercise program. You must control what you put in your body and you must learn to resist temptation, otherwise achieving your goal just won't happen.

We all know what we should and should not eat, yet many of us succumb to temptation more often than not. By training the brain to stay focussed on your goals and to control and resist temptation, you can expect to regain control of your mind (and body) and achieve ultimate success in your weight loss goals.

Here are 5 tips that you can use to help train your brain to stay focussed on achieving your goals. Master this and you'll lose those pounds faster and keep it off for good!

1. Don't Give In / Think Long Term

Begin with the end in mind. Picture your new body and your new lifestyle and how good that is going to feel when you get there. You have to believe in yourself and think positively along the way. Positive thoughts lead to positive action, so stay focussed and keep replaying those positive thoughts in your head every day until it becomes a habit. Talk to yourself and talk yourself up every day until it becomes instinctive.

Prove to yourself and those around you that you are a winner and you can and will do it! And when you do it, just think how good that is going to feel.

Make a personal commitment to yourself and write this down and place it in a prominent place to serve as a daily reminder. Keep a vision board or pictures to keep you motivated on your journey so that you don't give in.

2. Hold Yourself Accountable & Be Honest With Yourself (Integrity)

Accountability is about holding yourself responsible for your actions. Integrity is doing what you say and doing the right thing even when no one else is watching you. These two 'values' as I like to refer to them as, are important for you to succeed in your goal.

Holding yourself accountable is a great way to ensure that you don't give up! One way to do this is to announce what you are going to do (e.g. I am going to lose 10 pounds in 3 weeks) and/or how you are going to achieve your weight loss goals (e.g. I am going to exercise 5 days a week and not eat junk during the week).

You can announce your intentions/commitment privately with family and friends or you can write it down somewhere in a prominent place to serve as a daily reminder. Another way to do this is to announce it publicly through social media or by joining a weight loss competition (e.g. the biggest loser). This can help you stay on track as no one likes to go out there and tell people all the things they are going to do and then NOT deliver. We all want to be seen as reliable, credible, and true to our word, especially to those closest to us. We don't want to be considered or thought of as 'fake' or someone who doesn't 'walk the talk'. We want to be considered as winners and not as someone who throws in the towel.

By holding yourself accountable and doing what you say, you will start to take control of your mind (and your body) and reap the benefits of your new lifestyle. You will also get a huge confidence boost once the weight starts to melt off, and this will be further boosted when others start to notice the results of your commitment.

3. Distract Yourself

If you are fighting cravings or are tempted by something you know is bad for you, then try distracting yourself and focussing your attention on something else. Go for a walk around the block and get some fresh air, make a telephone call, fill up on water, do whatever it takes to take your mind off whatever it is that it's fixated on!

4. Substitute The Craving/Temptation

Instead of giving in to that afternoon donut or bag of chips, try popping a piece of gum, eating a piece of fruit, or drinking lots of water... do all 3 if you have to and I can assure you that you won't feel like chugging down that donut anymore!

5. Re-frame the Temptation

A leading psychology professor at Columbia University has long been studying how, why and when we're able to just say "NO" to an immediate reward (such as a piece of cake) in favour of a longer-term reward such as a slimmer waistline. He believes in reframing the temptation as a way to resist the temptation. So, say if you are wanting to eat a pizza or a bucket of fried chicken and you really know you shouldn't, try a simple mind trick like imagining that cockroaches have crawled over the pizza or chicken. If you change how you think about something, it's impact on what you feel can change too.

For more information and great tips on how you can lose weight and keep it off, be sure to visit my webpage and obtain a copy of my full FREE report.

Hi, I am Nel Mascarenhas. I am a certified health professional with over 15 years experience working for leading global organisations in a variety of leadership and management roles. I am a passionate health leader and have helped many people achieve their fitness goals. I attribute my success to finding simple, practical, and effective ways to weight loss that is backed by research, data, and results.

If you would like more great advice on creating a healthy body and mind, then visit my webpage:

How to Overcome Food Cravings


It creeps in on us, grips us tightly and leaves us vulnerable as victims of food.

For how long shall we be in this bondage? The time has come for us to be liberated.

Clearly, a formidable strategy to tackle any situation emerges when factors involved are known and well understood. Let's perform a root-cause analysis and see what craving is really all about.

Undisputedly, there are essential questions that will give clarity when answered.

What is food craving?

It is an intense desire to consume a specific type or types of food. As a matter of fact it is a sign of some sort of imbalance in the body and it is different from normal hunger.

Why do we experience food craving?

It occurs as a result of many factors. They can be categorised under physiology, emotion and desire. These are the 3 musketeers and are inter-related.

As far as physiology is concerned, Serotonin and Endorphins are the major players. They have great impact.

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter which exists primarily in the gastrointestinal tract, blood platelets, and the central nervous system. It helps relay signals from one area of the brain to another. It contributes majorly to feelings of well-being and happiness.

Therefore, whenever the level of serotonin drops, the body starts craving for sources that will increase its level. Carbohydrates and sugar are the ones that can quickly raise this level. They are loyal soldiers. This is why you crave for chips,cookies, chocolates,candies,ice cream and the likes.

Come to think of it,who doesn't want to feel happy always!! So, that's why the body wants serotonin level up incessantly.

Endorphins make us feel relaxed. They block pain and also give the body feelings of pleasure. Consumption of sugary products trick the hypothalamus in the brain and creates a sense of well-being. So we have high affinity towards the types of food that put us in this state. Clearly we crave for these foods so as to experience this euphoric feeling.

Secondly, emotions are undeniably powerful. We all can relate to few or several moments in our lives that we fell into the emotion trap. In fact it's a re-occurent situation in quite number of lives. Moods affect the way we crave for certain kinds of food. Boredom is a main culprit of heightened cravings while other emotions like sadness; anxiety; low self esteem; stress; and loneliness also contribute to unnecessary feeding.

Thirdly, there is desire. Naturally, people have several desires. In this context, it is the thirst for certain kinds of food. It has a strong hold on us. This overwhelming thirst for food really indicates a hidden desire for pleasure. It's just that we want a quick fix to feel happy,which makes us result to over eating certain kinds of food.

Don't we all have desires? Now imagine how deep it can be when it comes to food cravings.

OK, what are the implications or consequences of irregular food craving?

This is pretty obvious, you will end up having surplus deposit of fat in your body and eventually become overweight.

So, what's the solution?

There must be concordance in your life. Your software and hardware must be on point.

Naturally, whenever a need is unmet, a desire is generated in you and the longer that need is not met, the stronger it will grow till it explodes externally in the form of an uncontrolled desire to eat, feed and feast.

You should create means of comfort, fun, happiness and connection into your life besides the act of eating. By doing this, the overwhelming thirst for food will not be overpowering. Always ask yourself the real pleasure you seek whenever you crave for food in an abnormal way.

Eat controlled portions of food across the day because when you don't eat for a while and become hungry, the body tends to crave for more food.

Serotonin neurotransmitters need constant supply of quality nutrients. Make sure that your meals contain fresh fruits and vegetables. Stay off highly processed food. Sufficient intake of protein and fat with each meal keeps your blood glucose from having irregular flunctuations and it maintains a balance of hormone production in the body.

Consume Healthy Fat. It is essential for hormone and neurotransmitter production. Do not be misled by thinking that fat should be totally avoided. Without adequate fat intake, it's impossible for the body to produce enough serotonin. Just choose healthy fats that will keep you feeling great. Go for natural sources and avoid the processed ones.

Regular exercise boosts neurotransmitters. An average of 45 minutes moderate activity 3-5 days per week will do justice.

Resting can never be overstated. Ensure you get sufficient sleep because insufficient sleep disrupts hormone production and can keep your brain from producing enough serotonin. At least 7 to 8 hours of quality sleep.

Stay hydrated. By maintaining a healthy level of hydration, cravings get controlled. No wonder they say "WATER NO GET ENEMY".

Also note how the cravings come and monitor the feelings. By keen observation you will get revelations.

Let me state explicitly. I am not a disciple of starvation, I stand for abundance and uplift of both body and spirit.

All I'm preaching is the truth which is why cravings got broken down today to shed more light.

Feed and dine in a controlled manner.

Never relent.

How to Overcome an Obesity Problem

Obesity becomes the biggest problem among in Indian society. In fact, it's become one of the leading cause of preventative illness in India. Being Obese can increase the risk of metabolic disorder, cardiovascular problem, osteoarthritis, sleep apnea etc. Obesity may be caused by genetic susceptibility, unhealthy dietary intake, lack of physical activities and other lifestyle or environmental factors. It can lead to a slow metabolic rate which results to gain weight. It becomes important to reduce your weight as well to maintain weight towards your overall health. Dietary changes and lifestyle modification is required to enhance the health status as well also promotes the over well being. Few changes should be required to achieve desirable health or long-term health status.

Change Your Eating Habits

Most individuals are used to consuming an excessive number of calories on a regular basis which result is weight gain which usually leads to obesity in the long term. You need to change your eating habits by adopting healthy eating. You need to learn how you can opt for healthy food over the unhealthy stuff. Instead of fast food and other unhealthy food options that contain a high amount of calories and unhealthy fat, you should choose more of vegetables, fruit-based stuff, a choice healthy option such as lean meat, low-fat dairy product, low sugar and low-fat product over high calories food. Always go for a slow and frequent eating instead of eating 3 main meals, opt for 5-6 meals in a day.

Eat Fibrous Food

High fiber foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are great for losing weight as well make you fuller for longer time. Fiber fills you up quickly and for a longer time and also helps you reduce calorie intake which leads to weight loss.

Avoid Alcohol and Junk Food

One should limit the intake of alcohol because they contain a high amount of calories. Due to daily consumption of unhealthy or junk food an individual can face obesity issue because this stuff is rich in saturated fat and high in calories. So avoid this food in your diet, if you want to consume try to have in small quantity but opt for once in a while, not on daily bases.

Sugar - It leads to increases hunger and leads to the consumption of empty calories which leads to weight gain.

Processed and junk foods - Processed food contains a high amount of salt and sugar as a preservative which causes obesity when consuming it in the long time period.

Sweetened beverages - Most people do not account for the calories in the beverages before consuming them but these drinks contain high calories and lead to weight gain issue.

Trans and hydrogenated fats - These fats promote inflammation and lead to developed cardiovascular disease.

Get Active and Stay Active

If you want to lose weight, you need to start any sort of physical activity. You don't need to do the rigorous exercise like the excessive gym. You just need to become active by making it a habit to walk, play sports, yoga, meditation etc. Add some additional steps such as instead of using the elevator you can start using the stairs. Exercise is a great way to burn calories which will help you to lose weight fast. All you need to do at least 30-45 minutes exercise, 5 days in a week.

Reduce Stress

If you want to lose weight you need to minimize or eliminate the stress. This is because stress promotes the release of the hormone cortisol which has a strong connection to overeating and unwanted food craving. So it is suggested to you to reduce your level of stress by adopting healthy eating as well by including meditation in your daily routine.

Losing weight is may be challenging, but if you really want to stay healthy you need to do some changes in your routine as well as lifestyle. Follow the above tips which enhance your weight loss.

How to Make Profound And Lasting Changes for Healthy Weight Loss

Astonishingly, "How Do I Lose Weight" is entered into Google 110,000 times every month!

These monthly searches really reflect the state of affairs in weight loss, as thousands of people just cannot seem to find the magic pill.

And do you know why? Because it doesn't exist!

The good news is, there is a lasting solution to healthy weight loss.

You can start today with these 5 simple coaching tips for making profound and lasting changes towards permanent healthy weight loss.

1. Refuse To Give Up On Yourself - The first and most important step of weight loss is telling yourself that you can do this! Once you have made that decision to be 100% committed, you will find that you are stronger than any excuse. The brain is the hardest muscle to train but if you get up every morning telling yourself "you can do this", you will guarantee success and rev up your results.

2. Do What You Love - The key reason most people don't exercise is that they despise it. The key to weight loss is to find something you enjoy doing that elevates your heart rate for at least 30 minutes. You don't have to buy expensive exercise gear from late night TV or start running half marathons. Consider the activities you enjoy, or something you've always wanted to try, and get out there and do it!

Some suggestions are a boxing class, kayaking, mountain biking, dance class, anything! If you hate your workout, you will always make an excuse to skip it. Find an exercise you enjoy and you'll never have to work out another day in your life!

3. Be Real - You may have had to endure comments about your weight before from others you don't know, maybe even others you do know. However, I promise you, nobody is going to be harder on you than you are on yourself.

Losing weight is not a short-term gig. You want to change those old habits, learn to love yourself again and accept that this is going to be a gradual and continuous process. It's OK to have off days, off weeks, off months. Keep motivating yourself and accept that quality of life matters and you will easily succeed in your weight loss goals.

4. Don't Eat Less, Eat Right - I can see you rolling your eyes at me. Seems painful right? Well it doesn't have to be painful at all. Similar to finding exercises that you enjoy,the trick here is to reward yourself with foods that you love eating.

The best way to get started is to replace any calorie dense foods with nutrient dense foods instead. A popular nutritious food item are Superfoods like beans and green leafy vegetables. Consider what you are eating and finding less calorie dense alternatives will make a huge difference!

5. Stay Focused and Regret Nothing - So you've read the article, found your inner fire, and decided to take the first step.


However, the last piece of advice for you is very important. You have to be consistent.

Not every day is going to be a great day, and of course, you will encounter the occasional hiccup when it comes to your nutrition and exercise plan. Everybody does.

However, what's important is that you recognize this and accept it. When you stay committed to your goal, you WILL lose weight.